We celebrated the 24th of July with some shooting and a baseball game. My brother Jason is a "cop" so he took us out west in the middle of nowhere to practice some shooting. We were able to use some really cool guns. I have no idea what kind they are or anything like that, but some of them were pretty big. It was a little harder to keep the kids occupied for this activity, cause it was really hot with not much to do. We even tried to put a movie on in our car for the kids to watch...but after about an hour and 45 minutes the battery died in our car. Luckily there were a few of us with jumper cables, so it wasn't that big of a deal.
Setting up targets.
Janna and her husband Doug
me shooting
Peter and Brent shooting
That night we went to the Orem Owls baseball game (a really minor league team). It is a nice SMALL stadium compared to the d-backs stadium, there wasn't a bad seat.
Remind me not to make you mad, you look like your pretty good with a gun!
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