It has become a tradition every year to make gingerbread houses with all my sisters and sister in laws and mom. Since we have moved to AZ, I had to do them on my own. We invited John and Kim and boys over to make them with us. This year I played the role of making the icing and helping the kids out and I loved it! It was so much fun to see how creative they are. The did a really, really good job. The only part I really helped them with was putting the house together. They used the frosting and decorated them all by themselves. Here is their finished products!! They had so much fun and I know it will be a tradition they will want to keep doing every year!!
3 days ago
They really did get creative. Look at those roofs, each one is different and they covered every part of the board with candy.
They look fantastic!!
that is a fun tradition! Maybe I will start that one next year.
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