I read a book...3 actually and I NEVER read! I can't believe it but I am now officially on the Twilight bandwagon!

I've heard for over a year now that these books are so good and I thought no way I will ever read a book about vampires. Well, we put a recliner in our bedroom and I sat in it one day and thought that that would be a nice place to read a book, so I decided to read twilight to see what the fuss was about. I am so addicted now and can't believe I am going to have to wait till August for the last book to be released. I absolutely love this series.

Oh, and I can't wait till december for the movie...
I didn't understand how a vampire book could be exciting either, and I love to read! I finally read them and WOW!! Keni (my girl) is completely addicted. She just started a blog today called twilightluversrock.blogspot.com. She even convinced Kendall and I to take her and a friend to Forks, WA next summer to see all the sights. We're all pretty excited!
Glad you liked them. Apparently "you rock" in Keni's cute little mind. ; )
Hey Nancy, I am also on this bandwagon. I have read the books twice. Oh and yes, I did it, I started a blog. It's not a cool looking as yours but it will do. I added you...
I told you you'd like them!!! I'm glad you do. Now I don't feel so silly!
hey ash, now lets see if we can get janna to read!
hey i'll be there for girls night out. Women will be lined up at the movie theaters.
YEAH!! I am glad you joined the band wagon, and that you like them! I also love them! I never read either, but just love these books. I'm so there for the girls night, and when the book comes out in August, I will be sitting on my couch reading! Also, if you haven't already, see my blog for some great movie clips!
tina, i already have:)
I'm glad you read them!!! I was totally turned off when I heard they were about vampires but I did the same thing as you...just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Now I LOVE them! I can't wait till August either!
Welcome to the fanatic twilight mom's club. You are so lucky you only have to wait a month to read Breaking Dawn. I've been waiting almost a year!
I'm curious to see what the basis for the 4th book is. Book 1 was Pride and Predjudice, book 2 was Romeo and Juliet, and book 3 was Wuthering Heights. So we have Austin, Shakespear, and Bronte, I just hope that book 4 isn't Stoker. And the plus side to just joining the bandwagon, you haven't had to wait a year in between books like the rest of us.
That is so funny, At Thanksgiving dinner last year, my nieces were talking about those books and were trying to tell me to read them, and i started asking them what it was about and they said vampires and i was like, yeah, right! They were saying how they were in love with one of them and so on and i cant understand it. I guess if i ever decide to read a book again, i will have to check it out and see what all the hype is!! But I dont see that in my future, but hey, i also never thought i would have a blog either!!
I guess I am addicted, too... Tina loaned me the first and second books and we bought the third one last night - but Ashley is reading it first. I am in for December 12th! :)
I'm posting this for all you girls; pick up a copy of this week's Entertainment Weekly. Guess who's made the cover story!
Love and light
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