I was released from cub scouts on sunday and was called into Young Women's as the Beehive Advisor!! I have been in Young Women's a couple of times before and have loved it. I am so excited!

p.s. i played a little bit of guitar hero today and got 100% on a song! love that game...just thought i'd share.
Congratulations on both! I've always thought YW would be fun. I KNOW guitar hero is fun!! I've gotten 100% a couple of times and it feels so good. Way to go!
I am so excited for you! That was my calling before I had Hunter. It was the best calling ever! The girls are so sweet! Congrats.
Oh, I was thinking maybe you should video you playing guitar hero! That would be fun to watch. I don't even know how it works.
Thanks for such a great job in Cub Scouts! You were so patient and diligent. Did I mention PATIENT!
I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated all your time and service! Thanks....you're Awesome and the Young Women are lucky to have you!
I am so excited to have you in YW with me! The girls have been so excited to find out who the new advisor would be and they are going to love you!
P.S. You DO have a blog!!! Sorry I was so spacey!
Thats pretty funny Nancy, you were just talking about scouts on Sunday, I guess it was time for a change! you will make a great advisor! You can have guitar hero activities!!
It will be so fun to not only have you as my visiting teaching companion,but now working together in Y.W"s!!!! Yeah. You will love it!
You will be great for YW. Good for you that you are excited about it. That is one calling I am scared to have!
Ashley is excited to have you for a leader. She came home from church and told me it was neat that she found some things she had in common with you. :) You will do a great job!
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