Today is my both of my boy's birthdays. Jacob was born on Owen's 2nd birthday. I wasn't due till the 29th and was scheduled to be induced on the 27th to try and spread out their birthdays as far as possible (with me getting that baby out as soon as possible-that last month always seems unbearable). I remember thinking that the 23rd was the last day to avoid (June is a busy month with our anniversary etc.) and wasn't worried at all that I would actually go in to labor that early. Well around 4:00 in the morning I woke up with contractions and was like oh crap, not today! I kept hoping they would just go away (that has never happened with me, when I start contractions they don't stop until the job is done). I waited about an hour before I woke up Peter and told him and then I got up wrap all of Owen's presents and frosted his birthday cake. I wanted everything to be ready for Owen's birthday so it wouldn't be forgotten. We took the kids to his brother's house around 6:30 am and headed to the hospital and delivered around 11:30 am. It was so crazy. We ended up having Owen's birthday party in the hospital in the afternoon where he got a additional present, his little brother. They have really turned out to be such good buddies, let's just hope it stays that way...
3 days ago
Happy Birthday you big boys! Well i think it is nice you get two birthdays done in one wack! You are such a good mom to make sure that Owen still had a birthday party while you were busy being in labor and delivering and everything! That is why you have 4 kids and i dont!
How did I not know this story? Your boys are so handsome! Happy birthday Chatwin boys!
I had no idea they were born on the same day. All June birthdays except Quincy? Seems like there's only one time of year to get pregnant...hahahah :)
That's pretty cool! You guys have lots of birthdays all in a row!
Happy Birthday boys!!! It looks like they got some cool stuff! I can't wait to see you in few weeks.
Wow! Wrapping presents and frosting cakes while your having contractions? Crazy lady! :) How fun for your boys! Glad they had such a fun birthday!
I didn't know they have the same birthday. That's a great story...I can't believe you frosted the cake before the hospital! Happy birthday, Owen and Jake!!
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