So my girls love listening to Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie. Yesterday morning after I took the girls to school, the boys and I headed to target (they had tons of easter candy 75% off). On the way Big Girls Don't Cry came on. I realized Jacob was singing and knew most of the words. I didn't say anything in case it would make him stop so I just watched him through my rear view mirror as well as I could while driving. After the song was over he said, "mom, I singing". It was SOOOO darn cute! He has always loved singing and music. I've noticed since when he was a baby (around 9 months old) that when we would be at sacrament meeting and we were singing the hymns, he would make noises as if he was trying to sing too! He is just too cute!!
3 days ago
That is so funny! I love it when Alia sings.
Awww! Too cute! Don't you just love the cute things they do? Carleigh was "singing" during the movie "Enchanted" and I couldn't stop smiling!
So cute! Those moments are the cutest! I love it when I catch them doing cute things when they don't know I am watching.
You are so smart to document this kind of thing. I need to be better at that. My kids are always saying the cutest things but I almost never write them down.
Hi Nancy - it is Julie (Krupa) Drake from highschool, i saw your blog through sallys. Your kids are so cute!!!! i just bearly started a blog so it is kind of lame but you should check it out It will be fun seeing what happens in your family. Take care - Julie
Hi Nancy! It's Kelly Hill from EM. Hopefully you remember me. I hope you don't mind me stalking you. I found you through Jenny. Your family is beautiful, as always. It's been enjoyable to catch up with you through cyberspace. Take care!
Cute new blog design, i sure wish you lived nearby so you could help me with mine!!
Love the new blog design! Your kids are so cute! Ethan and Owen could be brothers they look so much alike!
cute blog page!
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