Yesterday morning Abbey had to go to an oral surgeon to extract supernumeray teeth # 8 and 9 (tooth like mass in between her top front teeth) It had to be removed because it was in the way of her roots and the roots would never be able to fully develop. They gave her IV sedation so she was out the whole time. She was really super brave and did not cry at all when they were trying to put the IV in (which was not easy for them, she has really small veins that are hard to get to just like me). They had to lift up the gums on both sides and cut through the main nerve of the front of her mouth to get to it out. She wouldn't let me take a picture of her hooked up to the machines or with the IV in. After when she was in the recovery area and they brought a wheelchair to wheel her out to the car, she was a little excited about riding in a wheelchair so she let me take a picture.
This looks like a tooth but it is round and majorly deformed. They gave her the tooth to take home so she could save it for the tooth fairy. They told her that it should be worth like 20 bucks! I was like thanks for that...
She is doing really well with her recovery. They told me that she would be super tired and rest but as soon as she had pain medicine she was pretty much bouncing off the walls! Kids really do bounce back fast with stuff like this. Today she had to start doing salt water rinses which she is not a big fan of (she is my ultra-sensitive gag reflex girl) but she is doing wonderfully with them. I am so impressed with how strong she has been with this whole thing, this poor thing has never had a cavity!

That sounds awful! That's great that she's bounced back so quickly and it looks like the tooth fairy is going to have to start scrounging around for some big bucks!
Poor Abbey! That sounds so painful, cut through the nerve! Yikes! What a trooper. I hate getting IV's, I almost cry every time. So how much did the toothfairy bring her? :)
she hasn't put it under her pillow yet. she wanted to take it to school and show her class and spring break is this week so it won't be for a little while.
Start saving!!
She deserves it! What a bigd deal for her and you guys.
That was between her top front teeth?
Missed you at chruch today.
Nancy after Tylers surgery every time we gave him pain meds he bounced off the walls, i dont get it, pain meds knock me out! Well i am glad she did so well, that must be nice to have that over with!
aw, poor thing! What a brave girl. It's no fun seeing our kids in pain. So, was your tooth fairy feeling rich?
Abbey....You are so brave!!! I am way proud of you!!!!
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