We rented 2 movies last weekend, both of which we heard from numerous people were really good. We rarely go see movies at the theaters, so most of you probably have already seen them.

We watched enchanted with the whole family and really liked it! Even Peter said it was pretty good (which I am sure he is happy that I let everybody know that) . The kids were super excited when the Easter Bunny brought them their very own DVD that we could actually keep!
Peter and I watched Dan in Real Life and thought it was just OK. The movie was just so slow moving for us that we had a hard time getting into it. I think my expectations were way too high for this movie, it happens to me a lot!
That is hilarious, Ben adn I watched thse two exact movies from Blockbuster this weekend. We enjoyed them both very much.
That is hilarious, Ben adn I watched thse two exact movies from Blockbuster this weekend. We enjoyed them both very much.
Brent liked Enchanted, too, so I'm sure he'll be glad to know he's not the only one! I love movie weekends...
We just rented Dan in real life last night, but havent gotten around to watching it yet. I think i will still watch it, you ARE pretty impatient!!:)
Enchanted was my easter gift to myself! I bought it without seeing it, but I'm glad I bought it because I LOVE it! I also agree with Dan in Real Life...my execations were WAY to high!
The Easter Bunny brought Enchanted to Bella as well. I took her on a date to see it in the theater. She liked it then, but the dragon at the end scared her. Not as scary at home on the couch.
How'd you find me? :) So glad you did! I must admit I have been dropping in on yours frequently since we got the internet in January. I started a family blog in February but forgot to leave you a comment with the link. Funny thing is, you're on my link list. I started mine because of yours and Ashley Becar's (I don't know if you met her before you moved.) Yours was the first blog I ever saw. Thank you for introducing me to blogland :)Anyway, you stumbled onto my second blog which I just barely started. My family blog is private, but email me at kilikimo@yahoo.com and I'll add you to my reader list.
I tried to rent Enchanted tonight, but something was up with the red box. Generally, I try to take others' recommendations with low expectations because I am usually disappointed as well. (Long comment - sorry.)
I still have not seen Enchanted yet, but I really want to. I bet my girls will love it, also. I was probably one of the ones that got your expectations of Dan in Real life so high, since I liked it a lot. Maybe it also depends on your mood when you watch it. But thanks for the reviews!
Nancy, Doug and I really liked Dan in Real Life! I think it was good that you said it wasnt that good, so i didnt really have high expectations, i thought it was really good. Now i got to talk doug into watching Enchanted.
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