Monday, February 11, 2008

Cute Valentine's Tag

I was tagged by my cousin Stacey! So here it goes...

How long have you been together? We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary in June.

How long did you date? We dated for 2 months and engaged for 7. When we started dating I was turning in my mission papers, but by the time the call actually came I knew I wasn't going to go.

How old is he? 32

Who eats more? I want to say Peter, but when there are treats around it is me! I am so weak!!

Who said "I love you" first? Peter did.

Who is taller? Peter is.

Who sings better? I think we are about the same...not good, not bad.

Who is smarter? Peter, without a doubt. When I read my mind wanders and I then realize I have no idea what I just read!

Who does the laundry? Me

Who does the dishes? I do most the time.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? looking at the bed I sleep on the right.

Who pays the bills? He makes the money and I physically pay them.

Who mows the lawn? Peter

Who cooks dinner? Me, Peter is the weekend breakfast maker.

Who is more stubborn? Must be him, I don't think I am stubborn at all :)

Who kissed who first? He kissed me first, but it took like four dates. I found out later that he wanted to earlier, but apparently I would run to the door, so he didn't think I wanted a kiss.

Who asked who out? We were set up on a date by his brother. But he asked me out after that date.

Who proposed? Peter did. He said, "Will you be my wife?"

Who is more sensitive? Me hands down!

Who has more friends? I want to say me, but it's most likely him. He claims to be anti-social, but I think he is better at making friends than me. We have done more dinners and BBQ's with people from his work. I'm just terrible and inviting people over.

Who has more siblings? Me, I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Peter has 3 brothers.

Who wears the pants in the relationship? He does of course, I just tell him how to put them on! No really I'm just kidding...we are pretty good and making decisions together.

Who are you tagging? Shauna, Tina, Liz, Allison, and Jennie.


Allison said...

I had no idea you had so many siblings! How did I not know that? I love the one on who wears the pants, too cute.

The Cowan Family said...

I love reading these...I can't believe you're going to have your 10-year anniversary this year!

Liz said...

That was fun! We'll see if I can get around to doing mine.