In the last couple of weeks, Jake has said that he wants to pee in the toilet. So I have helped him take off his diaper and stand by the toilet and the pee has never come out. Well, just a few minutes ago, Quincy came up to me laughing and said that Jake has pulled down his pants, took his diaper off and is standing by the toilet trying to pee, but the really, really funny part (to her anyway) was that his diaper has lots of poop in it! I went to check on him and sure enough there he was standing in front of the toilet with poop in his diaper and of course stuck to his butt! SOOOOOO GROSS!!! (no picture of course, but I am sure you all could imagine what it would look like) I wasn't planning on potty training him till this summer, but if he is going to pull stunts like this then just maybe he is ready. I just don't think I am ready to deal with potty training again....
3 days ago
He is more than welcome to come over to our house and show Christian a thing or too, that is he's a big boy and can go potty. Christian will have nothing to do with it so far.
Thanks for the laugh!!!!! Ahhh the joys of motherhood. I am still chuckling...
I say go for it! I'm thinking that Ethan is ready too. I'm just to scared to try yet...
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