I've been tagged by my friend Tina so I am supposed to share 6 things about me that you may not know. So here it goes...
1. I watch way too much TV. Kudos to whoever invented the DVR cause I don't think I could ever live without one. It's really nice to know that if your kids need something while you are watching a show that you can just pause it. Is it sad that I feel like it makes me a better mother? Anyway, my absolute favorite show is THE AMAZING RACE!! I am super competitive and would love to be able to do all of the crazy stuff they get to do. I'm trying to talk Peter into doing the race with me, but then you actually have to apply and get chosen to be on it. Wish me luck with that!!
2. Since I was little I have always been obsessed with gambling. I just like winning stuff. When I was in 6th or 7th grade one of my friends had a slot machine at her house, so I would always bring nickels when I went to her house. During high school, some friends and I would cut class and go to my sister's house to play some poker. We never bet big amounts of money (mostly what was in my ashtray in the car) but it was so much fun. On my 21st birthday, Peter took me to a casino in Wendover. I love playing in those stupid slot machines. Later, Peter and I learned to play Texas Hold'em shortly before the big poker boom. I have been to Wendover and played in a poker tournament there, and also have gone to Vegas and just played at poker tables there. I want to say that I was never addicted to gambling, but I was slowly playing more and more games over the years. Until Peter went to that famous Preisthood session of General conference a few years back. He came home and told me about the Poker/gambling talk that President Hinckley gave and said he was quitting gambling all together. So I figured if he could do it so could I. So neither one of us gamble anymore, we still love to play poker, but we just play for fun now like you would any other game. We feel like we have been so blessed for it.
3. This one kind of goes along with the other one, but I love to play games and am super competitive. I actually think that I should win every game I play. I enjoy a little bit of a rivalry but have been told that I am a sore loser and a bad winner. So beware if any of you readers ever play with me. I think I am getting better though.
4. I love soccer. I started playing soccer when I was 5 and played through high school. I really enjoy watching my kids play now, but it kills me that I can't go out there and help them. There is a outdoor women's soccer league that I always wanted to play in, but with having 4 kids in 6 years, the timing never seemed to work out. I was getting ready to finally sign up and play, and then we moved to AZ. I have been trying to find adult women's league down here but have only found co-ed. I really don't want to play with men.
5. I love the beach. I lived in Southern California till I was 13 and went to the beach often in the summer. Now when Peter and I try to plan a vacation, I really don't think it is a true vacation unless there is a beach somewhere nearby. I can't understand why anybody would take a cruise to Alaska, when you can take one to the Caribbean or Mexico and go to the beach!
6. For those of you that don't know us very well, Peter is a big UTAH fan. Half of his family are UTAH fans and half are BYU fans. Last year his whole family was in town for Thanksgiving and of course the big BYU/UTAH football game. (That made very a very loud game with a terrible ending) They all think that the only reason I cheer for Utah is because of Peter, but I would like them all to know that that is not true. So I thought I'd use this last one to clear up my BYU/UTAH status. When I lived in California, of course I had always wanted to go to BYU. Pretty much were every mormon plans on going. Then when we moved to Utah, some of my friends were MAJOR BYU FANS and really thought they were kind of silly how into it they were. It wasn't long after that, that I realized how much cooler UTAH was and kind of silently always wanted UTAH to win. When I met Peter and found out that he was a UTAH fan, I did think he was cooler for that.
and there you have it..
I tag my sister Ashley...please tell us 6 interesting things about you!!
3 days ago
So you did live in Utah! Cool! :o)
Sounds like we need to have a game night!! I love playing games too. I think the only reason why I would want to gamble is to hear those slot machines make chiming sounds, I know its stupid, but its the same reason why I liked Nintendo or Sega when Sonic ran threw the coins to get more points.
I want my next big vacation in the Carribean or Hawaii, time for some beach.
I'm dying for a good poker night with you guys! Those were always so much fun...
It would be fun to have a game night, but Brad is pretty competitive too. That could be interesting! I also love the beach. We camped on the beach every summer growing up, and I loved it and miss it!
I love it! Cool to get to know you better. I totally agree about the beach and totally disagree about Utah! ;)
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