Today is my mother-in-law's birthday. I really couldn't ask for a better mother-in-law. She is one of the most caring, generous people I know. A year and a half ago, Peter and I were able to go on a cruise with them to Mexico. It was so nice to be able to spend that much relaxing time together. Usually when we are together we are preparing meals and entertaining and taking care of kids. On the cruise, we didn't have to cook, there were no kids to take care of, so all we had to do was just relax and have fun. We even all went snorkeling together!! That was one of my favorite vacations.

You can't really tell, but that is Pat snorkeling in this picture.
We love you Pat and can't wait for you to come visit us this week!
Isn't she the best? I love her so much and I'm grateful that she is my sister. I know that I can tell her anything and she will be sympathetic, understanding, and trustworthy! Thank heavens for her wonderfulness!
Happy Birthday, Pat!! We love you...
One of the best people ever! My favorite thing about Aunt Pat is that she is amazingly loyal. And she can keep any secret you tell her. She would never betray a confidence. That is so rare nowadays and I just love her! I also think I am quite a bit like her so she must me awesome!
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