We decided it was time to take our family to the great outdoors for our very first camping trip. We invested in camping equipment in hopes that it would that the kids would love camping and we can go more often. Last weekend we set up the tent in the backyard and we all slept in it for a little practice round. The kids did great and couldn't wait to we got to "go sleep in the woods." So on friday we let the kids ditch school and heading to the mountains for one night. We ended up going up Oak Creek Canyon just past Sedona and it was absolutely beautiful! The views were amazing! We found a great campsite in cave springs campground where we had no neighbors on one side and the neighbors on the other side were gone for the day and didn't come back till after we went to bed. It was great!
For all you camping lovers out there, do you know of any good places to go? We have no idea where the good places are and just finding stuff off the internet...so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, Nancy. I got your blog address from Diane's site and am so glad to see your cute family and what you're up to!
I'm impressed and inspired by your camping trip. It's something I've thought about doing every year, but never have. Seeing how much fun your family had makes me think that maybe I'll try this year!
I love camping! What a fun adventure for your family. It looks like it was perfect!
That looks like a lot of fun, we were thinking of going camping this year and then we saw a report about bears and it scared me again, because of last years bear attack i am just too afraid!
I am so jealous! Camping is one of my favorite things to do! We go a lot and our favorite places are
Canyon pointe on the rim. (out of Payson)and Rainbow it's a little further but the weather is beautiful during the summer and there's a lake close by to go fishing. It is around Eagar and Greer. We love it there! We should go together sometime! I'm glad you had so much fun.
That looks like tons of fun!
Those are way cute pictures!! Glad you guys had fun. During the Summer Brad is taking the girls camping with some other dads and kids. Maybe Peter wants to take yours with them.
I will have to talk to you about some other good places to camp. I grew up camping up North with my family.
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