A couple of weeks ago, our ward had a silent auction fundraiser for scouts. I bid on and won 8 free piano lessons for the summer. I have been really excited about them cause I think it is just the excuse I needed to finally find a piano for our house and start the girls in lessons. I have been searching craigslist and it started out really fun, but now has turned out into something super stressful. My original plan was to keep it cheap, but so far all the cheap pianos that I have seen are just cheap pieces of crap (ugly too). I went to a piano store yesterday and looked around and they suggested a digital piano (yamaha clavinova). I was really impressed with the sound of it and of all it's capabilities, but they still start out at $1200.00 which is a lot more than I want to spend. We also have the option of renting the piano and if we decide to purchase we can use the first 6 months rent as credit. I also like the fact that I can put it my den (which we use as a kids family room) so it doesn't have to look good. You can plug headphones in it so the girls can practice silently and my other kids can still play with their toys, watch movies, etc. without being bothered. For those of you who know my Quincy, she doesn't like to mess up in front of people so having her practice silently may actually really benefit her. The sales man suggested to use the digital piano and if my kids end up sticking with piano, then invest in a nice piano that will last for years. Does anybody have any suggestions or input on my situation?
1 day ago
Rylee started piano in November. We just have a keyboard we bought at Target for $75. I just figure when she starts getting to the point of needing foot pedals and the full keyboard we'll look into buying a piano. Mandi's daughter has been using a keyboard for about 2 years I think. This may be a less expensive alternative for the time being.
We got a piano from a neighbor who was moving and didn't want to move it. But it had been in their garage for a while. They had started to refinish it and hadn't completed it. Needless to say, it is still in our garage. It's not great but I am going to finish sanding it, refinish it and then have the piano tuner person come and fix it up. So my advice is if you want to buy one that is cheaper you could always refinish it. BTW how is the potty training going?
as a kid I took piano lessons on a regular piano and a digital one. the digital piano does have a different feel to it, but you get used to it, and it does have it's benefits. The sister who I took lessons from had two little kids running around the house, and she would have to deal with them a lot. So I would put the headphones on for some peace and quiet. It actually helped me become a lot more confident in my playing when I knew she couldn't hear me while I practiced. A regular piano is best, but a digital one will definitely cut out some of the noise.
I've used both, and they are both great for different reasons. I've actually had a Yamaha Clavinova since I've been married and have really loved it. I think that's a great choice for your situation!
Nancy i think you should get a cheap keyboard until you know how well your kids will like piano. I know you have always wanted a piano, so i would save your money for the one you really want! Just my opinion on the subject.
The more I think about it, the more I want this digital one. We had my mom's piano for a little while and I was trying to learn a new song, but hated practicing because I didn't want Peter to hear me mess up. That must be where Quincy gets it from. Lately for some reason, everytime I hear that Sarah Bareilles song, I just want to learn how to play it. I love that song! But I think I will start off renting to make sure that is what I really want.
Oh and thank you all for your input! I really appreciate it!
Nancy if you get really good you just might have to have a talent show the next time you guys are up!
Yeah, maybe I should sing the song too...you guys will be kicking me out and sending me back to Arizona!
nancy, I want to hear you sing! maybe in sacrament meeting soon. Just kidding. But I think a digital is a good idea. BUT, there are some really good big keyboards with stands and pedals. (sometimes at Costco). Those would be cheaper than a digital pianos.
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