I've been tagged (a couple of times I think) here is the first one.
Post the 4th Picture in the 4th Picture folder and tell about it.

This picture (not very good) was taken at my nephew's
futsol (different kind of indoor soccer) game. I actually have 2 nephew that were playing,
Haden is the blurry one running and Michael I don't think is in this particular picture. I went to Utah for a few days in January (just me) to visit my family. I froze my butt off cause I think the highest it got was 15 degrees the whole trip! I
forze at this game too cause it is played at the peaks ice arena so they have to keep it cold for the hockey ice. It was a fun trip and a much needed break from everyday life. I really do enjoy hanging out with my family and that is the hardest part about living so far away from everyone.
Next tag..
In no particular order.........
8 favorite T.V. Shows
1- The Amazing Race
2- Survivor
3- The biggest loser
4- The Office
5- Grey's Anatomy
6- Chuck (Hilarious!)
7- How I Met Your Mother
8- Samantha Who
8 Favorite Restaurants
1- Olive Garden (For some reason the one in Las Vegas tastes the best!!) So true Janna :)
2- Bubba Gump Shrimp (Weird cause I hate seafood-ate a chicken sandwich! I've only eaten there once and can't stop thinking about it - it's in California)
3- Outback Steakhouse
4- Texas Roadhouse
5- Chili's
6- Casa Del Rey (Grantsville)
7- China Lily
8- PF Changs
8 Things that happened yesterday
1-woke up
2-got kids ready for school
3-family devotional (just started it)
4-ran 3 miles-very slowly
5-took a shower
6-vacuumed out my van
7-went with YW to the temple to do baptisms
8- took the non member girl to the visitor center to watch the Joseph Smith movie while the girls were inside temple. (Really good movie, let's just say that it makes my trials seem like almost nothing)
8 Things I look Forward to
1-St George weekend with my hubby. not till jan. though
3-pedicure - I need one bad
4-my built it babysitter to come of age (we are almost there!)
5-Summer -even down here
6-My parents coming home from their mission - not that I will see them right away.
7-Girls trip - we really need to start planning one.
8 Things I LOVE about Fall
1- cooler weather (you know like 80's and 90's)
2- Kids back in school.
3- Thanksgiving
4- Pumpkin bread, muffins, cookies
5- Hot chocolate - they might actually start carrying it at restaurants now.
6- carmel corn
7- Trick or treating in the nice weather
8- Letting my kids play outside again.
8 Things on my Wishlist
1-No debt
2- Huge Budget
3- Vacation every month
4- Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kit
5- Digital SLR Camera
6- Huge Savings Account
7- My house to magically have a basement!!
8- To get back to my married weight
8 People I Tag...
8 People who read my blog and hasn't done this tag yet!
Seriously, either tag. :)