I have only run a few times since the half marathon and am in desperate need of a race. I've looked online and can't seem to find one. Most of the ones that I've found are either in the next week or two, or are in the first 2 weeks of April and Peter will be out of town. Does anybody know of any race in march, end of april or in may sometime? I need a goal to keep me running.
3 days ago
You have totally inspired me! I am training for the Salt Lake half marathon, so far so good. It is April 18th. I would love to see you there! It would be a great excuse to head up this way! Do you have any good tips for me!
train for the st. george marathon? :)
The Salt Lake Half Marathon sounds fun but we just won't be able to make it up there for that.
Peter and I have talked about the St. George Marathon...but makes me really nervous. I think my 20 mile run would need to be done at the beginning of septemeber when it is still super hot...and only cools off to the 90's at night. We can always try and sign up and see if get in, then that can be our "sign" that we are supposed to run a marathon.
I so wish that you lived here! There is a 1/2 marathon in Riverton. The last sat in March. Then on May 15th there is a half and a full in Ogden. Which I have heard is a really good semi-easy course. We are doing that half. Then Ragnar Wasatch Back is June 19th and 20th. You should look on their website. They have a relay in AZ as well. (http://www.ragnarrelay.com)
Then at the end of August is THE best half marathon ever, Hobblecreek.
We are doing all of those races. Would love it if you want to as well. I HAVE TO have something to train for in order to stay in shape.
I'll race you to Cold Stone - that might inspire me to run! :)
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