Ok, so I don't usually get into politics. In fact when I was planning on voting this november, it was going to be just a vote AGAINST Obama. There is something about him that just rubs me the wrong way; just a really bad feeling about him. I always just vote republican because I am conservative and...liberals....well, I won't go there. Tonight I had heard that Sarah Palin's speech was really good, so I watched a rebroadcast of it on msnbc and I am hooked. I think she is completely awesome and she actually makes me not only want to be a better mother, but actually get involved in the community and stuff. Maybe I need to join the PTO for our school! I might even watch McCain's speech tomorrow night. Who knew that I could get interested in politics!
3 days ago
I think it's good that your getting in to politics. I don't get in to it very much because I get bored easily but Drew pays attention and we end up listening to some politics radio broadcast in the car and a lot of things about Obama bug me too. When it comes time to vote I usually just ask Drew how I should vote and go with that. So good for you!
I agree with every thing you said. That is exactly how I feel. She is such a breath of fresh air, and I thought it was awesome. I also have not really gotten too much into politics before, but I am so against Obama... he scares me! I think it's cool how her whole family got on stage with her.
Now didn't the election get more intriguing. Now I feel that sending my vote in this direction is worth while and not out of spite against the Democrats/Obama. Good for you John McCain.
oh man politics...i don't like it. i might be more interested if there wasn't so much on attacking the other parties and more of how they will really deal with the issues. i do, however, like to watch them debate rather than watch them deliver their scripted speeches. i wonder if Biden and Palin will debate...now that would be interesting to watch.
I LOVE HER! She is such a strong woman and what a perfect example of what a woman in the oval office should be, unlike Hilary. Loved her speech, loved how she attached Obama, loved her loved her loved her. I can't stand Obama and heaven help us if McCain doesn't win!
I have heard a lot about her speech, and have started to listen to it bits at a time, just haven't had time to finish. I will say that she doesn't seem like the normal politician, already I like her! She got me when she said her husband was still "her man".
I am finding that I am drawn to this whole process as well. If McCain was trying to get our attention, he certainly got mine! I am anxious to see her shake up the white house(like she promises to)!
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