Kyle is 3 months today, so I thought it was time to take some pictures. He is such a happy boy and out of about 90 pictures I got about 3 with him smiling. He is a major talker and talked a lot when we were trying to get him to smile.

He's getting so big!

Lately he has discovered his hands. He looks at them all the time, plays with his fingers and is starting to reach for things.

Can't get over how cute he is! He is such a good baby and loves his brothers and sisters so much. I'm hoping to catch the boys doing their high-pitched baby talk to Kyle in a video clip. It is so cute and Kyle just loves it!
It's been awhile since I have stopped in to see what your family is up to and now you have another little guy.
He is so cute. Congrats!
I love the family pics. Liz did a great job.
You have such a sweet family!
He is so cute, and he is getting big so fast! Love that he can roll over all ready. I love the picture of him looking at his fingers. He so reminds me of Owen. He's adorable.
He's a cutie!! Love the smile!
A very cute boy!
what a cute little man! i love the chubby-baby-belly!!!
Very cute pictures!!! It is interesting because each picture reminds me of someone different in the family. He must be a really good mix! Way cute.
Another handsome little Chatwin boy! I can't get over how cute he is! I wish I could squeeze him!
He is SOOO cute!! I love his smile - such an adorable little guy!!
Nancy he is so cute and looks just like all your others like mom said a good mix! I cant wait to hold him in April!!
He's so dang cute! You did a great job on the pictures!
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