So in an attempt to get back in shape, I've decided to start running again. Unfortunately I just can't run to run so I had to find a race for me to train for. Because of the heat down here in the summer we had to find one in Utah and plan our summer vacation around it. So Peter and I are running the Utah Valley half marathon on June 12
th. Our official 12 week training started this week. I attempted a few runs a few weeks ago and man am I out of shape, but I am sticking with it and it is already starting to get a little better. I was really proud of my time for my first Half Marathon back in January of 2009 and after my run yesterday, I think It may be possible to get there again. I've been using the
nike+ system to track my runs with my
ipod. It's not completely accurate for pace and distance but it is pretty close...but I like it because it logs my times. I got this about 2/3 into my training for the last half, so I don't know exactly where I started at last time, but I know it was super slow. I ran 4.2 miles on
saturday and compared the time to previous runs...same time as what I used to run 5 miles back in December of 2009. So I still have a long way to go to get back to where I was, but I am
committed to do it!